Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday

The Seneca County Soil and Water Conservation District is a political subdivision of the State of New York. It was established in accordance with Chapter III of the New York Soil and Water Conservation District Law of New York State. The Seneca County SWCD was created by the Seneca County Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1940. Its boundaries are the same as those of Seneca County.
The primary purpose of the District is to improve and protect the land, water, and related resources both existing and potential; to discourage land use practices that are detrimental to the environment; and to develop and carry out preventive and creative programs aimed at conserving and enhancing the natural resource base of the County and the State.
The Seneca County SWCD is an action agency. It has the power to plan as well as to implement the physical work on both public and private lands.
In 1978, the Seneca County Board of Supervisors designated the Seneca County SWCD as the local planning, management, and implementing agency to protect the State’s water resources from non-point source water pollution.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts are uniquely structured organizations, especially suited for dealing with local water quality and land use problems by securing help from federal, state, and local sources and coordinating that effort to serve the needs of the local landowners and communities.
District services are available to all citizens of Seneca County on a nondiscriminatory basis and in most cases, without charge.
A popular program that Seneca County SWCD offers to the community is our Seedling Program. Each Spring we offer tree, shrub, and ground cover seedlings at reasonable prices. Orders are accepted from the beginning of the year until the first Friday in April. Pick up day is on Arbor Day, the last Friday in April. Order forms can be found on our website, in our winter newsletter, and in our office. You can call our office and request one be mailed to you.